Image Star-sized debris cloud from distant collision spotted by NASA telescope March 18, 2022 Most of the rocky bodies in our solar system were formed or shaped by massive collisions early in the solar system's history. A newly observed dust cloud from a similar crash offers clues about how often these events occur around other stars. Read more
Image Women in climate change: Joellen Russell March 18, 2022 Joellen Russell uses floating robots, supercomputers and satellites to predict the global climate and carbon cycle, particularly the role of the Southern Ocean around Antarctica. Read more
Image Women in climate change: Courtney Crosson March 16, 2022 UArizona is celebrating Women's History Month by highlighting some of the many women on campus working on climate change-related issues in hopes of creating a better future. Read more
Image Construction scheduled to begin on new home for Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine March 16, 2022 The $23 million, donor-funded project will provide new space for the internationally recognized UArizona center, which focuses on whole-person wellness. Read more
Image Webb Telescope looks to the skies with clear eyes, thanks to UArizona's NIRCam March 16, 2022 After months of alignment and fine-tuning, the James Webb Space Telescope has produced its first clear image of a star, thanks to the Near Infrared Camera developed and managed by UArizona. NASA is confident that the telescope's optics can achieve the mission's science goals. Read more
Image Fast-melting alpine permafrost may contribute to rising global temperatures March 14, 2022 Alpine permafrost, which is found closer to the equator at high elevations, is expected to melt at a faster rate than arctic permafrost under current global warming conditions, according to new research. Read more
Image Masks may become optional at UArizona next week March 14, 2022 If COVID-19 transmission rates remain in line with the rest of the county, masks will become recommended but not required in indoor spaces on the Tucson campus beginning March 21. Read more
Image UArizona proposes 2% increase for resident tuition, 5.6% increase for nonresident tuition for 2022-2023 March 11, 2022 More than 99% of current students will see no increase because their tuition and fees previously were frozen under the Guaranteed Tuition Program. Read more
Image The Tucson Festival of Books is back! Here's what to expect March 9, 2022 This weekend, the festival will be held in person for the first time since 2019. The event will feature nearly 300 authors, more than 200 exhibitors and about 30 venues with talks, exhibits, interactive activities and more. Read more
Image UArizona engineer leads $1M project to fight vision loss March 9, 2022 Biomedical engineering and optical sciences professor Dongkyun "DK" Kang is developing a way to diagnose and treat corneal ulcers that's eight times cheaper and 20 times faster than today's gold standard. Read more