Weed Science Updates From Marco Pena


240807 EPA Order Suspending Registration and Use of DCPA (Dacthal)
May 2 DCPA Communication EPA
IR-4 Presentation at the SW Ag Summit by Roger Batts
Simplicity Herbicide Evaluation
Beyond- Xtra Evaluation
240110 Impact of Weeds Compared to Insect and Diseases
230906 Postemergence Grass Control in Vegetables
230712 Mode of Action: Lipid Biosinthesis Inhibitors
220223 Herbicides for Melon Weed Control
230809 Preplant Burndown Herbicides
230503 Hare Barley
230419 Herbicides When Soil is Moved
230322 Vegetable Weed Control
230308 Weed Control Session at the Southwest Ag. Summit
230308 Kerb Application Early Developments
230308 Weeds as Reservoirs of INSV virus in Yuma County - S. Discua
230125 Organic Cilantro Trial
221213 Bensulide Resdue Before Planting Spinach
221102 Common Purslane
220921 Prefar 
220907 Evaluation of Kerb Applied by Sprinkler Irrigation to Lettuce
220907 Timing Kerb Applications in Lettuce
220824 Water Loss From Weeds
220727 Resistance - Tolerance
220111 Weed Seasonality
220713 Reduce Your Seedbank
220628 Buffalobur Nightshade
220531 Temperature and Relative Humidity Effect on Glufosinate
220518 Hairy Fleabane
220504 Notice of Intent to Suspend DACTHAL
220420 Dacthal Herbicide Safety for Lettuce Transplants
220322 London Rocket
220308 Preemergence Herbicides
220223 Herbicides For Melon Weed Control
220209 Can your Smartphone Help You ID Weeds?
220125 Swinecress
220712 "Pocket Guide for Weed Seedling ID: Common Broadleaves"
220712 "Pocket Guide for Weed Seedling ID: Common Broadleaves" Cover page
220406 Herbicide Evaluations in Transplanted Lettuce
Insect and Weeds Crop Losses Agenda 2022
220223 Melon Weed Control Chart


210407 Summer Fallow Weed Control

210427 Pigweed Identification

210505 Clover

200415 Weed Germination Calendar Grasses

200415 Weed Germination Calendar Broadleaves

180711 Summer Annual Grass Identification