230809 Soil Steaming for Weed and Disease Control on Your Farm
230322 Innovative Weeding Technology from Europe
230208 Band Steam Applicator Final Demo and Trial Results 2023 Southwest Ag Summit
221213 Early Close Cultivation in Lettuce Crops?
220810 Controlling Weeds and Fusarium Wilt of Lettuce With Band Steam Application
220122 Fusarium Control With Band Steam
220223 Southwest Ag Summit
220309 Band Steam
220629 Salinas Field Day
220323 2nd Generation Prototype Band Steam Machine - Initial Testing
220518 Automated Technology Field Day
220504 Control of Palmer Amaranth With Finger Weeders
220601 International Robotics Ag Technology
210505 Spot Sprayers – An Option for Reducing Pesticide Application Costs?
200429 Precision Cultivating Technologies for Improved Weed Control